Message of the 12th Congress of the Worker-communist Party of Iran to the people of the world

Our congress sends its greetings to you the people of the world, to the world’s trade unions, human rights defenders, women’s rights activists, LGBT rights campaigners, secularists, humanists and free thinkers, and all those who for years, while witnessing the actions of the barbaric Islamic regime of Iran with horror and revulsion, have stood in solidarity with the people of Iran.

The world is now more than ever aware of the atrocities of this autocratic and terrorist regime, its repulsive gender apartheid and violence against women, its impoverishment of the working people, its execution of children, its execution of gay people, its jailing, torture and execution of political dissidents, its flogging of workers, women and human rights defenders, its persecution of atheists and followers of other religions, its harassment of ethnic minorities, its wholesale massacre of political prisoners, as in the summer of 1988, its mass killing, arrests and forced disappearances of protesters, as in the November 2019 protests, its deliberate shooting down of a passenger plane on 8th January 2020, killing all 177 people onboard, its execution of dissident athletes, such as champion wrestler Navid Afkari, its abduction and execution of journalists, such as Ruhollah Zam, its jailing of dual nationals on bogus spying charges, such as Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, its terrorisation of the people of the Middle East, as in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, its calls for the annihilation of the Jews and the people of Israel, its efforts to develop nuclear arms so as to further terrorise and blackmail the people of the world, its corruption, plundering of the natural resources and the destruction of the environment, its animosity towards human civilisation and civilised norms and values. The list is endless.

The world is also now more than ever aware that the people of Iran do not want this regime and have set about to practically overthrow it. Slogans such as “We do not want the Islamic Republic”, “Down with the dictator”, “Our enemy is at home”, “Down with Khamenei”, and many others, are the watchwords of the mass protests that have been shaking Iran over the past few years.

Our party is the party of these protests of the people of Iran against the Islamic Republic and for its overthrow, and is practically involved and is a contributing force in all of these battles. Our party is the party of an uncompromising No to the Islamic Republic, No to its Islamism and religious medievalism, No to its misogyny and violence against women, No to its compulsory hijab and imposition of gender apartheid, No to its pauperisation of the working people and violence towards worker activists, No to its death penalty, No to its execution of children, No to its legalisation of child marriage and sexual abuse of children, No to its jailing, torture and massacre of political dissidents and protesters, No to its denial of rights and its exercise of violence towards the LGBT community, No to its barbaric Islamic judiciary and lack of rights for citizens, No to its harassment of the Afghan people in Iran and stripping them of all rights.

As a counterpart to this relentless battle for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic in Iran, our party is also fighting internationally for the worldwide isolation and ostracization of this regime. A global political, diplomatic, sports and cultural boycott of the Islamic Republic, just as it once happened with the racist apartheid regime in South Africa, would be an important aid to the struggle of the people of Iran to rid themselves, and the world, of this vile regime. We are therefore calling for the cutting off of diplomatic ties with this regime, its non-recognition politically, the closure of its embassies, and its expulsion from UN bodies, such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and from all international sporting and cultural organisations. Our party, through its International Office, its Organisation Abroad and through its affiliated bodies and campaigns, is vigorously campaigning and lobbying for this goal.

Our congress once again sends its greetings to you the people of the world and calls on you to join the campaign for the boycott of the Islamic regime of Iran and support the momentous struggle of the people of Iran for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic and for a better society and world.

12th Congress of the Worker-communist Party of Iran

3-5 December 2021

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