Prison officials and guards at Ray town prison attacked Reyhaneh’s ward and searched her

Today Saturday May 20, at 7.45pm in Iran, five guard together with the head of the prison and the head of security, whose authority is of importance at the penitentiary, attached the female ward and awoke Reyhaneh. She woke up with terror and thought that they were there to take her by force and hang her. These violent officers searched all of Reyhaneh’s belongings. They did not give any grounds for the search and refused to answer Reyhaneh’s questions. The search continued until 9 o’clock in the morning. The Islamic Republic of Iran is now stuck with a case that is on a myriad of ambiguity and the Government and its Ministry of information, the Qods force, the Office of the Presidency and the Office of the Supreme Leader, cannot even together clear up this huge political mess. Unfortunately a nineteen-year-old girl fell into a trap that apparently was due to close with one or more people being killed. Morteza Sarbandi, a former member of the Iranian Intelligence Service attempted to rape Reyhaneh. He was murdered at the scene. The script writers of the authorities are brought in to complete the story and with beating, whipping and crushing a proud nineteen-year-old girl who aimed to reach sky high in her career, they want to force her to take responsibility for the murder. And if she doesn’t, her little sister and all of her family would be dragged through this black mud. This is what they have done with thousands of families over and over again in the past. It is their job to ruin the lives of millions of people in Iran. This time, they wanted to execute a girl, now twenty six years old, after seven years of imprisonment, torture and mentally abusive violence. But the news reached over and outside the tall walls of the horrid prison. It was publicised and a movement began opposing their criminal actions. The movement contributed to the publicity of the case and provided an opportunity for the parties; namely the judge, the prosecutor and all the government authorities as well as Reyhaneh and her family to communication in the open. Everything that has been said so far by Tardast (the judge), Shamloo (interrogator), Shabani (prosecutor), victim’s family and Reyhaneh’s family; is open to public judgement by millions of people in Iran and around the world. Reyhaneh is defending herself heroically and in the best possible way through her letters which are put before millions of righteous people in the world. The campaign to save Reyhaneh is now relying on ceaseless international protest and pressure from international campaigns against capital punishment in Iran as well as exposing the true cruel nature of the Islamic regime and its slaughterhouse-like prisons. The new has been reported broadly outside of the country and to date the petition against Reyhaneh’s execution has been signed by 171,000 people. This campaign is reliant upon the unceasing and dutiful involvement of celebrities who fight to stop execution of youths and others on death row. This campaign is dependant on the voice of lawyers who raise their objections but were not heard in court and instead faced imprisonment together with the accused persons. All this injustice, tyranny and oppression will not be left unanswered. No dictator in history has managed to rule and survive indefinitely. The rulers of the regime should review the history in at least a couple of films and take notice. Even today, when Reyhaneh was aggrieved and they searched her personal belongings, four people from Russia, Singapore, United States and United Kingdom signed this petition and these signatures continue

The Islamic Republic of Iran is threatened by Reyhaneh’s communication with the outside world and publication of her letters and her testament in her own voice. You can see from the link below that more than 20,000 people have listened to Reyhaneh’s testament
. The question is why does the regime fee
l threatened? Why does it not want victims of this unfair legal system who have not been granted any rights, to defend themselves? And the next question is how is the Islamic regime going to respond to millions of people who have showed enthusiasm, respect and kindness to defend Reyhaneh? Are they going to use their usual tactics of seizure and arrest and destroying everything? These are the same people who attacked Reyhaneh’s ward and caused a disturbance. They have realised that the protests have reached the female ward of Ray town prison. When authorities attempted to take Reyhaneh two or three weeks ago, 200 female prisoners stood against them and did not let them to take Reyhaneh because they believed the authorities intended to collect Reyhaneh for the purpose of carrying out the execution. When they were told that Reyhaneh was going to be taken for a visit and negotiations, the prisoners response was to bring the meeting to prison. The Islamic Republic of Iran should know that the sound of Reyhaneh’s footsteps have reached the whole world. They should know that with only 7 published letters, everyone now knows what goes on in their prisons and how they slaughter humans. In the 7th letter which was published today, Reyhaneh speaks of execution of women who had no one to defend them. Women whose voice could not reach past the tall and thick walls of prisons. Today Reyhaneh is the voice of Fakhteh and others like her. She is the voice of those who were hanged and lost their lives. The voice of the woman who was still breast feeding when her infant was taken away from her by force in order for her milk to dry sooner and to enable them to hang her as early as possible. Is anyone prepared to explain why? Who are these inhumane people? What are they defending or protecting that justifies their barbaric behaviour? These are the questions that need to be answered and even if you silence Reyhaneh, others like her will ask the same questions louder. Do not forget that at the end of all this, Reyhaneh is also the voice of Nazanin Fatehi, Shahla Jahadha and Akbar Pournama and many others. The campaign to save Reyhaneh reiterate that this case and its evidence which has been revealed to some extent, must be reviewed. We want the case to be reviewed in presence of international judges and lawyers. We, the campaign to save Reyhaneh, will fight until Reyhaneh is released from prison and is free. The Islamic regime, prison guards and all the authorities involved in this case should know that the world is watching and we ask all the 171,000 signatories and the international society to fight for Reyhaneh’s freedom. The court order for Reyhaneh’s exception should be overturned immediately. This case must be reviewed in an unbiased international court without influence or pressure from the Islamic government’s security institutions. Save Reyhaneh Campaign – Save 26 year old Rayhaneh Jabbari from being hanged in Iran
10th May 2014

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