The Goals of the Revolution of the People of Tunisia!

The people of Tunisia have risen against poverty, unemployment, and the dictatorship and to achieve the following immediate goals. These goals are standards to test any future government to act upon and represent the minimum demands of the people. They also represent standards for all political parties to undertake and commit by.
The immediate goals are:
1. Release of all political prisoners and the abolition of all court or police orders against all political activists
2. End of martial law and clear the streets of any military forces or appearances aimed at preventing and depriving the people of their rights to assemble, demonstrate, and protest
3. Arrest and prosecute the head of the former regime Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and all the pillars of his government who are proved to be involved in criminal acts against the masses of Tunisia for the past period as well as military and police commanders and all those who have the peoples blood on his hands who opened fire in the current events and bring them to a public trial
4. Launch the broadest forms of political freedoms with no restrictions or conditions
5. Launch all individual and civil liberties such as freedom of strike, assembly, demonstration, belief, expression, press, partisanship and others
6. Secure and ensure good standard of living and dignity for all citizens based on the highest international standards and guarantees to pay, by the state, unemployment benefit which guarantees decent life for all unemployed, and increase the minimum wage for all workers to ensure decent and prosperous life
7. Prohibition of all laws that discriminate against, or reinforce the inferiority of women
8. Strict abolition of death penalty in Tunisia
These goals are the minimum laid upon the shoulders of the liberation and revolutionary movement in Tunisia, which took to the streets and were able to topple the dictatorship of the ruling class in a few days time, moreover, shook the thrones of dictatorial nationalist and Islamic governments throughout the region, while raised hopes of the masses with such slogans as Yes to Bread and Freedom and No to Ben Ali and No to Dictatorship and no to the laws based on religion and discrimination. They are the goals of each person who believes in freedom, equality and freedom for the masses of Tunisia in their brave uprising.
The Left Worker-communist Party of Iraq – LWPI
19 January, 2011

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