!End this disastrous war immediately

No matter how cruel and brutal a crime is, it does not justify committing another crime. The attack on Israel by the reactionary, terrorist Islamic group Hamas, in which 260 people at a music festival in southern Israel and hundreds of others in the border communities were savagely killed, by no means justifies the atrocities that the Israeli state and army are committing in the Gaza Strip today.

In the name of fighting Hamas Islamic terrorists, the Israeli army has turned many parts of Gaza into ruins, killed many innocent people, displaced a large part of the population and has cut off all the means of life to the people of Gaza. Scenes of jubilation by Islamic groups in a number of cities around the world for the attack and the atrocities committed by Hamas against the people of Israel are as sickening as the cheering and joy displayed for the Israeli army’s killing and maiming of innocent Palestinians.

The people of Iran, who themselves have experienced the brutalities of an Islamic regime, stand at these difficult and tragic times by the people of Israel and Palestine, who are the direct victims of the crimes on both sides of this war. Whatever the history of the Palestinian issue, this killing contest must stop immediately. The first condition for reaching a just settlement on the Palestinian question is for the killing of innocent people to stop. The bombing and rocket attacks on Israeli and Palestinian civilians must end immediately. People should not be victims of ethnic and religious rivalries between Hamas and the Israeli state. The lives of the Israeli and Palestinian people must be protected from this reactionary and deranged contest. We demand an immediate end to this catastrophic war and invite the people of the world to condemn both sides of this war and voice this demand everywhere.

Worker-communist Party of Iran

12 October 2023


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