Let us prepare for an all-out war with the ruling assassins in Iran

Statement by the Worker-communist Party of Iran on the current political situation in Iran

Let us prepare for an all-out war with the ruling assassins in Iran

The November 2019 – January 2020 developments were a watershed in the political situation in Iran. A regime which has ruled for forty years through repression and murder has now totally and overtly turned into a killing machine. A regime which in response to the most basic,legitimate and justified protest of the people against the tripling of the petrol price lets loose its hordes of armed thugs, shooting protesters in the head, killing 1500 in just one week; a regime which without the slightest qualm even in the mourningparadeof its terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani causes the death of 80 people in a stampede of a crowd it has dragged onto the streets; a regime which deliberately shoots down a passenger plane, murdering 176 innocent people without any justification and excuse whatsoever and tries to cover it up with denial, lie and charade; such a regime is literally nothing more than a killing machine.

This regime bears not the slightest resemblance anymore to a state for the administration of society even by the wretched standardsof the Islamic Republic. Its preoccupations, even for the heads of the regime, are no longer the nuclear deal, privatisation, the ‘Great Satan’, the factional infighting, the elections, the powers of the Supreme Leader, the budget, the subsidies, etc. It is a mafia state that kills to stay; criminals whose only worry is to preserve their power and wealth against a people who won’t be intimated anymore; a people who have crossed the line of ‘civil disobedience’ and ‘peaceful transition’; who have gone through the experience of storming the banks andthe religious centres, and engaged in armedclashes on the streets and in neighbourhoods with the riot police and the regime’s mercenary thugs in over one hundred cities.

The discontent and protests of a people driven to the edge are also no longer on the same level as six months ago. A people who have suffered over 1500 killed and thousands injured and disappeared are nursing their wounded at home and not trusting the “enemy’s” hospitals. A people who have witnessed the massacre of 176 innocent people in the sky and the torment inflicted on the bereaved by the state will not be satisfied with anything less than the overthrow and prosecution of the ruling criminals.

A face-to-face, unconcealed, open and bloody war has begun between the people and the ruling murderers. This war has even been officially and publicly declared by both sides:People have called the regime’s Sepah army and the Baseejthugs ‘our ISIS’ and the Supreme Leader a murderer and a lout, issuing the order for the obliteration of the Islamic Republic. The regime, on the other hand, has called the people hooligans, seditionists and agents of the enemy.This is an all-out war on the scale of the whole of Iran. The regime is the enemy, Sepah and Baseej are the murderous ISIS and the political prisoners are Prisoners of War. This war has now extended to Iraq and Lebanon; and the revolutionarypeople in all three countries find themselves alongside each other against their common enemy.

One result of the crimes of the regime in the past three months is the deep wound that has been inflicted on society. The entire nation, and not just the relatives of the victims of the November uprising or those of the downed plane, is reeling in pain and rage and is restless. This deepwound, which is the latest in the forty-year crimes of the regime, and which reopens the entire recordof this criminal and vicious regime for the whole society to see, can only be healedby the overthrow of the Islamic Republic. Redress for the victims, the overthrow of the regime and the trial of the ruling criminals are now at the heart of the confrontation between the people and the regime. Poverty, lack of rights, repression and all forms of discrimination and inequality are wreaking havoc. However, today the struggle in all of these fronts is being waged viaseeking justice against the criminals who are behind all thesecalamities. The society has not forgotten its just demands; however, the struggle against the regime and for the achievement of the demands of workers, women, youth and the masses of the people has turned into an all-out war against the ruling criminals and for their overthrow and prosecution; an all-out war over the survival of society or the survival of the regime of murderers!

The present truce is temporary and transient.The activists and organisations of the workers’ movement, women’s rights movement, students, teachers, pensioners, mothers seeking justice for their executed loved ones (Mothers of Khavaran and Mothers of Laleh Park) and the families of the executedand of the war captives will come out alongside those seeking redress for the November massacre and the bereaved families of the downed plane to challenge the ruling murderers even more powerfully, more massively and with greater solidarity.Fiercer battles are yet to come. Massive protests, demonstrations, strikes and street battles are on their way. We should prepare with all our might for progress andvictory in this all-out war. In this war, the revolutionary people of Iraq, Lebanon and the people of the whole world are on our side and with us. Victory is ours!

Long live revolution!
Long live socialism!

Worker-communist Party of Iran
5 February 2020

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